‘Was Someone Murdered?’ ‘Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream’ Fans Respond As Images Of Arsenal’s New Away Kit Are Released

‘Was Someone Murdered?’ ‘Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream’ Fans Respond As Images Of Arsenal’s New Away Kit Are Released

Images purporting to show Arsenal’s new away kit have been circulating online over the last few days, with the ‘leaked’ pictures triggering a mixture of responses from fans.

Manufacturer Adidas have gone for a white shirt, but with dashes of red splashed across sections of the kit. Supporters on Twitter were not sure what to make of it:

The comparisons to a bloodstained shirt seem to be right on the money, which begs the question why they opted for red instead of another colour?

It is certainly different from the much-loved retro “bruised banana” away kit that Adidas released last year, and it’s probably unlikely to sell in the same quantities.

When it will be released is anyone’s guess, considering it is still not known when the final game of the Premier League season will be played. It could well be August before the new kits are made available by Adidas.