Football Fans Deserve More Clarity

Football Fans Deserve More Clarity

If you ask a lot of experts their opinion and they all give you a different answer, you probably start to wonder what makes these people experts.

You might ask them where their evidence is and how they draw their conclusions. You certainly wouldn’t expect these people to be around the next day giving you more and more opinions.

Yet that is what we get in football – and we are being conned. These guys are not experts – they are making it up as they go along or simply copying and saying “as the Tribune has written today” where the anchor link text goes straight to where that author wrote/found the story when he likely could have taken it from a host of other sites too as Tony Attwood explains in the video below…

Very few articles these days are based on a huge amount of research and old style investigative journalism where the journalist has worked over the years to develop a network of contacts who actually are well connected at football clubs and can provide you with information which is exclusive and is a genuine scoop and leads to quality well-written content that keeps you coming back for more as it is actually REAL NEWS as opposed to 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th hand rewrites of pretty poor FAKE NEWS to begin with.

Unfortunately the world of football journalism is going one way and it is not getting better for the most part except for quality sites like and Gooner News. Content is just recycled and published as quickly as possible and the trick is repeated again and again where many blogs/sites publish 10-15 posts of total drivel.

When will it all end?